HCA Healthcare

HCA Healthcare

HCA Healthcare is a leading provider of healthcare services, with a focus on delivering high-quality care to patients across the United States. With a mission to improve lives through compassionate healthcare, HCA Healthcare prides itself on its commitment to innovation, collaboration, and excellence in patient care. From state-of-the-art facilities to a dedicated team of healthcare professionals, HCA Healthcare is dedicated to transforming the healthcare experience for all.


Nashville, United States



Check Size:


Fund Type:

Venture Fund

Fund Focus:

Big Data & Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI/ML), Software, Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR/VR), Healthcare, ...


Catherine Hawkins

About HCA Healthcare

HCA Healthcare is a premier healthcare provider in the United States, disrupting the industry with its commitment to delivering high-quality care and innovative solutions. With a diverse portfolio of state-of-the-art facilities and a team of dedicated professionals, HCA Healthcare is revolutionizing the patient experience. Their focus on collaboration and innovation sets them apart in the competitive healthcare market, driving growth and success.

As a top healthcare startup, HCA Healthcare's fund focus is on investing in cutting-edge technologies and resources that enhance patient care and outcomes. With a strategic approach to investment, they prioritize projects that have the potential to make a significant impact on the healthcare industry. Their ticket size for investments reflects their commitment to growth and innovation, ensuring that they are able to support groundbreaking ideas and initiatives that will shape the future of healthcare. HCA Healthcare's dedication to collaboration and partnership positions them as a leader in the healthcare startup space, driving positive change and improving lives.

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