Ahad Khurshid: Reinventing Human-Software Interaction

Jon Santillan

Jon Santillan

Sep 8, 2024

Inspirational storyTechnology
Ahad Khurshid: Reinventing Human-Software Interaction

Ahad Khurshid, inspired by his grandfather's teachings, started his entrepreneurial journey with two co-founders to reinvent human-software interaction. Despite facing challenges and obstacles, Ahad remained focused on developing a market-disrupting product and building a strong, motivated team of brilliant engineers. Drawing from his experiences, Ahad advises aspiring entrepreneurs to stay resilient, adapt when necessary, and always tackle challenges head-on while staying true to their company's values and vision.

Why did you choose to start a business?

I grew up with my grandfather, who was an academic professor at the University of Pittsburgh. He pushed me to study and work really hard but not so that I could go get a 9-5 Job at some firm, but to make me into a leader. He watched me grow up and consistently reminded me to always think big and beyond. He did however guide me to go work a 9-5 for a few years just to learn what happens in that side of the world. He always said, think of it as if you’re in disguise and you’re learning about your opponents while working with them. After gaining enough experience, I decided to start my entrepreneurial journey.

How did you start your business?

I started my business with two acquaintances that later became my co-founders. One had a great business mind and who brought the initial capital to fund the idea, the other was a great AI researcher. Each brought a different and unique skill set to the table offering the other varying perspectives and knowledge - a fruitful match. We three discussed, what’s the most annoyingly draining task we all have to do at work or even in general? And all of us came down to the fact that these computers and software interfaces have been draining our productivity. Not only is it repetitively difficult to use but it also comes with a steep learning curve to use these software products. My parents complain about getting stuck on their computers. My dad doesn't even know how to use the whatsapp voice feature. You see we need to change the way humans interact with software and computers otherwise the gap between man and machine will only keep increasing. We then decided to 'To reinvent human-software interaction’ by creating an AI that listens to you and operates computers and mobile phones for you. Now for this we needed more great developers and AI scientists so we gathered one of the greatest engineers from across the world and formed a great global remote lab. After a couple of years in R&D, we are now a company with 25 brilliant engineers and specialists very close to launching a life changing product for all.

What do you wish you’d known before you started your business?

To stay focused on developing a robust, market disrupting product and implementing a strong monetization strategy. You meet too many people in life who mislead you or detrack you from your original mission. A lot of people you meet who waste your time as a founder. Meeting the wrong investors, the wrong prospects. I went through that a lot. So I wish I knew earlier how to better evaluate which meeting is worth my time. In addition, I would say acknowledging the importance of being able to trust others in order to effectively delegate tasks, having tried to take everything upon myself early was leading to what would’ve been an inevitable burnout. Did you have any support in your journey?

I have been lucky to have had the support of family, close friends and my mentors during the course of my entrepreneurship journey. I already belonged to an entrepreneurial community of people and my Co-founder is one of the people who gave me a base or a playground to test my abilities as a founder.

What is your greatest challenge as a business owner?

My greatest challenge as a business owner is to ensure a healthy and safe working environment for myself and my team, to ensure every member of my company is subject to new knowledge and self growth while remaining intrinsically motivated. To conduct thorough due diligence before getting into business with others, before hiring any given employee. And that a small motivated team is far more superior to one that is large and slow-moving. I would also advise on the fact that one should leverage their networks and not shy away from seeking advice or perspective from others. Continue to build, grow and strengthen your network, seek advice from your advisors and mentors when need be.

Reflecting on your path to entrepreneurship, what key piece of advice would you offer to aspiring founders ?

I would tell them that the difference between those that make and those that don’t is the sheer will to tackle obstacles and challenges head on. They must embrace failures and remain resilient through such times, as both are crucial and almost inevitable parts of any successful journey. A time may come where you must pivot, and when it arises, you should do so, keeping your pre-defined company values and vision aligned. And another advice would be, make sure to always leave the room or meeting with signed commitments. Be it with your founders, your partners or whoever. Everything in business should be written. It should never be